I wake up early, but weekday mornings are really hectic for me since I prepare all meals - morning, lunch, and dinner. My kids also wake up early, so they have time to relax before going to school. 

So today, like all other days, my daughter had a lot of time on her hands. 
And look at what she wrote all by herself! She was saying, "I made a lot of mistakes,' but she seemed really happy. She took this paper to her class. I think she's going to show it to her teacher. 

She didn't come up with these sentences, but still, it's amazing. She's only been in school for half a year. She could only write her name 6 months ago, but now, she can write sentences and read simple words. 

Yes, I'm crazy about my kids. But I think I'll forget about how brilliant my kids are if I don't make note of these little milestones. 


グーグルで調べたら、'parent stupid'と出てきました〜。ウケる。そのままじゃん。
海外では、自分の子供を褒めることは、当たり前なこと。なので、「親バカ」という表現は、ないんだと思います。子どもを甘やかしすぎる親については、overindulgent parentsという表現を使うこともあります。

私は、親バカです。」と言いたい時は、I'm crazy about my kids. (私は、子供たちに夢中です。)と言うのが一番良いかと思います!