
今日は、英語学習の世界では、有名なhapa eikaiwaのじゅん先生とLAで英会話学校を経営されているそのお母様の陽子さんのセミナーに参加してきました!セミナーは、バイリンガル子育てについて。バイリンガルの子供を育てたお母様からの体験談、バイリンガルに育ったじゅん先生の体験談、親と子、両方の視点からお話が聞けて、面白かったです。
Today, I attended a seminar about how to raise bilingual children. The speakers were Jun-sensei from Hapa Eikaiwa (he's famous in the English learning community for Japanese) and his mother, Yoko-san, who runs a English conversation language school in LA. I listened to both Jun-sensei and Yoko-san's experiences - listening to experiences regarding bilingual education from both the mother and child's perspective was very interesting. 
I grew up in the US just like Jun-sensei, but realized we grew up in completely different environments. But, I realized that all bilingual people question their identity at some point in their lives. Jun-sensei made a point - The more bilingual someone is, the more they think about their identity. I can't agree more. Also, they mentioned that just being bilingual will not ensure success in the future. Especially in our world today, it's important to try to become someone who is bilingual and has some specialized skill/knowledge. 

This seminar was so inspiring. I don't really have any concerns when it comes to bilingual education for my kids because I think anything is fine as long as kids are raised in an environment filled with love. Yes, I'm quite laid-back...

But this made me feel even more motivated to use my bilingual skills and do something to help others. 

I frequently watch Jun-sensei's youtube videos and check out his homepage. There was only a 10-minute break during the seminar, but they were so nice and were okay with having a picture taken. Thank you! 

Hapa Eikaiwa のホームページ: 

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