
Can you spot the mistake? 

I think many people think Japanese know how to study English, but can't speak it. 

So when I see a sign in English that's weird or uses incorrect English, I think, "I'm sure someone realizes that this is wrong, so why doesn't someone fix it?"

There's lots of store names that uses an English weird that are just weird. 

This time, I saw a sign at Haneda Airport that caught my attention.

トイレの個室から撮った写真ですが、In case of an emergency, please call to the Disaster Prevention Center. と書いてあります。すごいミスではありませんが、正しくは、In case of an emergency, please call the Disaster Prevention Center. です。他の方が丁寧にto に斜線を引いてますね(笑)
I took this picture from inside a bathroom stall, but it says, In case of an emergency, please call to the Disaster Prevention Center. It's not a real big mistake, but it should be, 'In case of an emergency, please call the Disaster Preention Center.' Someone has politely fixed this mistake by crossing out 'to.' 

この看板に書いてある内容も面白いですよね。Please do not stand on the toilet seat. 「便座の上に立たないでください。」だなんて(笑)便座の上に立ってしまう外国人がいるのだろうか?
The content of this sign is sort of funny. Please do not stand on the toilet seat?! I wonder if there are foreigners who do stand on the toilet seats?

realize 気付く
caught my attention 訳すと、「私の注意を引く」
bathroom stall トイレの個室

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