

Why do you think there isn't any word for 'yonaki'?

Western babies don't wake up crying at night that often or even if they do, their parents are sleeping in a different room, so the parents don't get too irritated about their babies crying.

Why don't Western babies wake up crying during the night?

それは、生後4か月頃から赤ちゃんにsleep training (スリープトレーニング)をさせるからです。このトレーニングでは、赤ちゃんが泣き叫んでいても、親はそのまま放っておく、又はちょっと様子を見に行って(赤ちゃんの安全を確認するために)自分たちの部屋に戻ります。こうしてるうちに赤ちゃんは「一人で眠る力」が身に付き、夜中に起きたとしても自分自身を落ち着かせることができ、朝までぐっすりと眠ることができるようになると言われています。
 That's because they are sleep trained from around four months old. When parents are sleep training their babies, the parents leave the babies alone or only take a peek in their rooms (just to make sure their babies are safe) and go back to their bedrooms even if the babies are crying. After awhile, the babies learn how to sleep by themselves and even if they do wake up during the middle of the night, they are able to coax themselves back to sleep until morning. 

日本でこのsleep trainingをさせるのは、難しいですよね。近所迷惑になるからできないというのもあるかと思いますが、赤ちゃんを泣き叫び続けさせるのは、心が痛むと思う方も多いのではないでしょうか。
Sleep training is difficult to do in Japan. For some, it's because we don't want to annoy the neighbors, but for most of us, it's hard to do because we feel guilty about doing nothing when the babies are crying.

So which do you prefer? I prefer sleep training my child. 

take a peek = ちょっと様子を見る、覗く
coax themselves = 自分自身を落ち着かせる
feel guilty =心が痛む、罪悪感を感じる

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